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"Share a real testimonial that hits some of your benefits (but isn’t too sales-y)."


Tell a compelling story

Use this long-form section to really paint a picture of the before and after. What’s the problem you’re solving? What’s the benefit people are getting?

For example, if you’re hosting a webinar about how to collect leads for an online business, describe the struggle of trying to find and convert prospects—then explain how your webinar is gonna help make it easier.

You can also highlight the urgency or exclusivity of your offer. If this is only available on a particular day or for a limited time, make that clear.

End with one final call to action

This is your last shot at converting someone. Remember to link the call to action button so it sends visitors back to your form at the top of the page.



This is a great space to further clarify your offer, whether it’s additional benefits or need-to-know details.

Detail 1

We offer a no-risk 3 month trial for all ecommerce stores.  

Step 1 - Install

General Install

Double-click to edit this text

Step 2 - Campaigns

Double-click to edit this text

Step 3 - Revenue


Include a video or photo to help people understand your offer (or just to hype ‘em up).

Show visitors what they’re signing up for

Some more details of your offer

Detail 2

For example, you could call out some of the specific, actionable learnings from your ebook or webinar.

Detail 3

This is also your last opportunity to call out any information that might convince visitors to convert. Make it count.

Get A Demo

Access Our On-Demand Webinar

Web Push Marketing for Ecommerce

Available to stream at your convenience, on any device.

Hosted by:

Jack Blanchard

Marketing Manager

Here is What You'll Learn

Browser-Based Push, Defined for Ecommerce

Discover what browser-based push notifications are, as well as how this marketing channel can help you engage with your loyal customers and provide them with a memorable shopping experience.

Web Push Examples & Best Practices

We'll share some tips and examples of push campaigns that any ecommerce store can easily implement and make an impact on their marketing strategy.

Web Push Automations

From abandon cart recovery to shipping notifications, you can set up instant automations to help you capture more revenue and grow your customer engagement. 

How Push Supports Your Current Active Marketing Channels

You're using email already, so why would you need to add a new marketing channel like push? After this webinar, you'll see how push can complement and support your email efforts.

About Jack Blanchard

Jack Blanchard serves as Marketing Manager at Pushnami, the #1 push platform for marketers. He has experience in the B2B and B2C areas of mass communications, and is passionate about brand marketing, content, and creative design.

Jack holds a M.M.C. in integrated marketing communications from the University of South Carolina. He now resides in Austin, TX and spends his weekends perfecting his BBQ skills and finding the perfect hot sauce.