Pushnami’s Shopify app for web push and SMS is here

Pushnami’s Shopify app for web push and SMS is here

Pushnami’s Shopify app makes it simple for ecommerce marketers to get started using browser-based push notifications and SMS for Shopify. Transform traffic into sales, turn first-time customers into repeat customers and lead casual browsers back to your site. 

Our flow library gives you access to automations you can enable and customize to your preferences. Capture customers with simple targeting and content solutions with these features…

Abandoned Cart

A customer put something from your store into their shopping cart. Yay! But wait… Why didn’t they complete the purchase? Were they distracted by a phone call, a competitor’s offer or did they hear the tunes from an ice cream truck passing their neighborhood and dart off to investigate? 

Using Abandoned Cart via push notification of SMS, you can resurrect those potentially lost sales with automated, personalized notifications. Based on data from 44 different studies, Baymard Institute reports the average online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.8 percent.  Keep your funnel game strong by encouraging shoppers to move forward with their purchase.

Browse Abandonment

Browse abandonment occurs when a potential customer visits a certain category or product inside your store but fails to place anything in their cart to checkout. This is similar to cart abandonment, but occurs slightly earlier in the customer journey. 

Once somebody visits your website, the goal is to get them to move down through the funnel all the way to the end where they ultimately complete a transaction. There’s no disputing what abandoned cart retargeting is capable of, but the vast majority of potential customers (89.1% of them) never make it to the checkout screen of your website. So how can you recapture these lost potential customers? 

With our Browse Abandonment capabilities, you can retarget an entire new audience of potential customers with an automated push notification or SMS message that will send them a reminder to revisit specific items from your store that they were previously browsing. Cha-ching!

Recommendation Engine

When it comes to your online store’s ability to activate and retain customers, product recommendations can make the difference between a customer who visits your store once, and one who comes back again and again. A Salesforce report found that product recommendations drive 24 percent of orders and 26 percent of revenue, and shoppers who click a recommendation are nearly twice as likely to come back to the site. Our Recommendation Engine allows Shopify merchants to master the role of the seasoned sales clerk.

Recommendation Engine takes our internal knowledge of machine learning technology and applies it to product recommendations for online shoppers. Based on the view and purchase behavior of your site visitors, it automatically knows what product they are most likely to buy next. Once the right product to recommend is identified, it pre-populates a web push or SMS notification with the image, text and product link. Simply activate it and set the frequency – revenue starts to flow soon after. Recommendation Engine is one of the easiest ways to drive repeat sales to your store.  

Welcome Notification

First impressions stick. Be sure to welcome and thank your new subscribers with a push notification or SMS. With brand affinity increasingly important to shoppers, welcome push notifications are a great way to educate your users about what your shop offers. If you really want to seal the deal, a welcome notification with a new subscriber discount offer couldn’t hurt!

Shipping Updates

Shoppers want to know as soon as their item ships and when it arrives. Improve the customer experience by sending them a push notification or an SMS message to reassure them that the items they paid for are coming.

Promotional Campaign

If you need to get the word out to your customers on a specific date and time, a push notification or SMS message is a great way to do that. Give subscribers the scoop on a discount, special offer or flash sale.

Other features

Prebuilt segments

  • All Customers: Any subscribed user
  • Recent Customers:Customers who have ordered in the past 30 days
  • Completed Order Customers: Customers who have completed at least one order
  • SMS Customers:Customers who’ve clicked on an SMS link in the past 30 days
  • Web Push Customers:Customers who’ve clicked on a push notification in the past 30 days
  • Lapsed Customers: Unrecovered Abandoned Cart in the past 30 days
  • Lapsed Customers <$50: Unrecovered Abandoned Cart in the past 7 days with a value less than $50
  • Lapsed Customers >=$50: (Unrecovered Abandoned Cart in the past 7 days with value greater than or equal to $50

Group customers based on recent click activity, cart value order history and more.

Advanced targeting

Create multiple versions of a flow sequence to target specific groups of customers.

30-day free trial and a short and easy setup

Pushnami has everything you need. Simply install through the Shopify app, select channel and pricing plan, activate your free trial and enable your first flows.

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