The merits of push notifications and of SMS

The merits of push notifications and of SMS

You probably already know that a multichannel messaging strategy is required if you want to upgrade engagement, increase customer loyalty and boost retention. But are certain messaging channels more effective for particular messages and goals? How do SMS and push notifications come into play here?

When deciding when to use push notifications and when to use SMS, keep the following things in mind….

The mertis of push notifications

Push notifications are visible and customizable, making them among the most effective engagement channels. Serving as a direct line of communication between you and your end user, push notifications allow you to stand apart from the competition. 

Push notifications help you segment your audience and personalize content for distinct use cases. Segment your messages by user behavior, time zone, location and demographics. As you build campaigns, user preferences and behaviors can dictate the types of messages you send. Learn the best time of day to send your user messages to increase open rates and conversions. Getting to know your audience by showing an understanding of what they care about can help you reengage them with relevant content.

Format your push notifications with rich media, such as images, videos and emojis to correspond with your strategy and goals. Use A/B testing to see if small changes such as the inclusion of an emoji or image alongside your copy helps better your conversion rates. Personalize your messages with the user’s name and preferences in mind so you serve them the most compelling content. When it comes to engagement and reengagement, push notifications are king.

The merits of SMS

Did you know Americans check their phones an average of 262 times per day? It makes sense to explore SMS as a marketing channel with that shocking statistic in mind. SMS messages offer a greater sense of permanence and the unique benefit of allowing audiences with shoddy or no internet access to receive your messages. 

SMS messages can provide more in-depth customer interactions since they also boast a semi-permanent communication record. While the notifications are a bit limited in the sense that they provide fewer options for customization, the messages you deploy via SMS should be simple with a clear CTA. 

Similar to push notifications, SMS notifications are permission-based, meaning you are limited in who is receiving your messaging. Work to gain a user’s opt-in and make sure you’re following all FCC regulations. Consider encouraging SMS opt-ins through social media channels or by running paid ads optimized for this intent. Offering intriguing incentives such as discounts or holding contests is another great way to earn that opt-in.

Explore all the must-have tools to engage your users.

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